A really unusual tradition is the "Wheat Fair", which has been held at Ielsi on 26 July since back in 1805.
Its preparation takes a long time because special wheat has to be found to decorate the runners and the carts.
The work is entrusted to expert "weavers" who are particularly skillful and creative (country folk who have taught the new generations an art form that is quite out of the ordinary).

The ox-drawn runners and the allegorical carts drive through the streets of the town, lined with crowds of curious and festive onlookers. The runners, structures made of oak wood rather similar to sledges, are richly decorated with various compositions of wheat.

The creative imagination of their builders is there for all to see. The eyes of the crowd follow the various carts with interest, knowing that each one can always have new and fascinating aspects to offer.

The parade of the runners recalls a miraculous event that took place at Ielsi during the earthquake of 1805, when all the villages round about were destroyed and only Ielsi was saved.
The people attributed this miraculous event to Saint Anne and the following year the parade of runners was dedicated to the town's patron saint.

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